Shaping Volunteer Programs for the Future

A Conversation with USAA on How to Transform Your Volunteer Program for the Remote Era



Check out the slides from the presentation.

Over the last two years, our ways of working have changed dramatically — has your volunteer program kept up?

We explored how you can redefine your volunteering program to accommodate our new work reality. What might you want to revive from “the before times”? Which pandemic-era adjustments should be continued? How can you incorporate the latest technology to scale your efforts and monitor impact across an increasingly distributed workforce?

Plus, Glenda Oakley from USAA shared the ins and outs of their volunteering program. Find out how they’ve adjusted these initiatives to suit USAA’s new hybrid work reality, and why volunteering is a staple of their CSR program.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Shift your volunteering program to accommodate a hybrid work environment
  • Expand your definition of volunteering and intertwine program initiatives with volunteering efforts
  • Increase employee engagement and connection across hybrid or remote teams