Client stories

See the social and business impact that companies all over the world have created  — using Benevity.

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  • United States
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  • Australia
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  • Giving
  • Volunteering
  • Micro-Actions
  • Affinity Groups
  • Granting
  • Impact Reporting
  • Construction
  • Consumer Services
  • Finance
  • Healthcare Services
  • Insurance
  • Manufacturing
  • Technology
  • Transportation
  • Energy, Utilities & Waste
  • Media
  • Enterprise (5000+ employees)
  • Mid-market (<5000 employees)
  • United States
  • Canada
  • United Kingdom
  • Germany
  • France
  • Spain
  • Australia
  • Switzerland
  • Giving
  • Volunteering
  • Micro-Actions
  • Affinity Groups
  • Granting
  • Impact Reporting
  • Construction
  • Consumer Services
  • Finance
  • Healthcare Services
  • Insurance
  • Manufacturing
  • Technology
  • Transportation
  • Energy, Utilities & Waste
  • Media
  • Enterprise (5000+ employees)
  • Mid-market (>5000 employees)
  • How Reliance achieved over 80% participation in CSR

    Learn how Reliance earned an 83% participation rate with 60% deskless workers.

    Definity paired Benevity solutions for more impact

    Learn how Definity simplified corporate granting and enhanced impact reporting with Benevity's grants management software.

    How Principal created a more inclusive program

    Learn how Principal Financial Group increased engagement by opening their program.

    How DPR Construction built their ERG success

    How DPR Construction grew their ERGs by 90% with Benevity Affinity Groups.

    How Appfire creates local and global impact

    Learn how Appfire grew its global program and earned 76% engagement with three key strategies

    How Cisco elevated social impact with Benevity

    Learn how Cisco increased their impressive 80% employee participation rate by creating an even more global program.

    Guardian for Good: A Progressive New Chapter in CSR

    Learn how Guardian modernized their CSR program to create more impact.

    Q2 and Benevity team up for good

    Learn how Q2 teamed up with Benevity to increase program participation.

    The CarMax Foundation relaunched their Care Card program for Giving Tuesday

    Learn how the CarMax foundation transitioned to Benevity ahead of their most popular annual giving campaign.

    How One Tree Planted increased donations on Benevity

    Learn how One Tree Planted experienced 288% YoY growth in 2022 and received $2.4 million in donations on Benevity.

    Hootsuite reimagined their CSR program during uncertain times

    Learn how Hootsuite increased volunteer participation by 573% year-over-year for their Beyond the Nest event

    How Morningstar engaged their global workforce

    Learn how Morningstar engaged a global workforce of 12,000 employees, spanning 30 countries, with 81% employee satisfaction.

    Scaling for good: IBM's CSR transformation

    Learn how technology company, IBM, scaled for goodness while creating operational efficiencies along the way.

    How PagerDuty supercharged Giving Season

    Learn how PagerDuty supercharged their Giving Season campaign with donation seeding company-wide collaboration.

    USAA: How one good idea led to one million acts of Goodness

    Learn how USAA achieved one million good things by making it easy for their people to get involved.

    How National Australia Bank engaged employees in workplace giving and volunteering

    Learn how one of Australia's largest financial institutions attracted employees to its new workplace giving and volunteering platform, reaching 60% engagement.

    Benevity helped Experian ditch spreadsheets & reduce admin time

    Learn from Experian as they share how they increased employee participation by engaging new people in their program after partnering with Benevity.

    How Benevity helped State Auto’s program flourish

    Learn from State Auto as they share how they saw an increase in volunteering participation and giving after implementing Benevity and how they've expanded their program since.

    Why making data-driven decisions helps engage more employees in goodness

    Learn from Dolby as they share how Benevity reporting and a client success approach are helping them make data-driven decisions and be more strategic in how they engage their employees.

    How to organize a global volunteering week

    Learn how Glovo engaged their employees with a global volunteering week across 7 countries and 9 cities.

    How to boost employee engagement

    Learn how BNP Paribas encourages employees to join their volunteering and giving program.

    How to offer localized volunteering

    Learn how Auto Trader offers localized volunteering opportunities for roughly 1,000 employees across the UK

    How to engage more employees globally

    Learn how SCOR gets more employees involved in philanthropy through their employee purpose program.

    How to reach more of your employees

    Learn how Frontiers reached over 50% of their employees in 7 months.

    How to triple your CSR program

    Learn how EHL grew their purpose program to engage 3x more staff and students in 1 year.

    How to launch a global CSR program

    Learn how Nexthink launched a CSR program in 7 countries and engaged 33% of employees in the first year.

    TQL engages millennials at record rate with new approach to workplace giving

    Learn how TQL engaged their millennial workforce by scaling their program using software and by listening to their people.

    How AAA Revolutionized Their ERGs With Benevity Affinity Groups

    Learn from AAA as they discuss how they revolutionized their employee resource groups (ERGs) and the positive results.

    Grants management software explained: What social impact pros need to know and how to implement

    Learn from MiTek as they discuss grants management software, how it will help your social impact programs and how to successfully implement software for your business.

    How to increase employee engagement for your corporate foundation

    Learn from Pure Storage as they discuss how to increase employee engagement with your corporate foundation.