Published September, 2024

Giving Season is that special time of year from September to December when everyone is especially motivated to support the communities they care about. You may find it challenging to get a campaign up and running — but we’ve got you!

Our clients have had a ton of success by encouraging their employees to do just One Good Thing - a single donation, an hour of volunteering, a good deed or sharing their impact story to inspire others. 

Developed by Benevity’s team, the One Good Thing activation guide features templates and resources that are designed to boost campaign participation and drive real impact this Giving Season — without a lot of effort.  


Did you know: 
Companies that run Giving Season campaigns see a 1.5% increase in employee engagement.


What’s included in the One Good Thing Activation Guide:




Giving opportunities

 How to use this content…

The section below will help you create a giving opportunity to support One Good Thing. The content is intended to be broadly useful for different programs, so feel free to customize it for your specific campaign.


Giving opportunity template:

One Good Thing: Just one small donation can have a huge impact

Every donation — no matter how small — makes a difference and inspires others to give, too. If each of us donates just a little to support those in need, it can add up to a whole lot of goodness.

You could skip your $5 latte for a day or even search under those sofa cushions for spare change. That little bit of money could help put a smile on someone’s face, alleviate some stress from their day and give them hope. Doing good makes us all feel good. By completing one simple action, no matter how big or small, you’re helping us create a ripple effect of goodness that will be felt around the world.

We’ve selected a few nonprofits, listed below, that could use our collective help. When you donate to this giving opportunity, you’ll be supporting these organizations. Whether it’s $5 or $50, any amount is One Good Thing! 

{Note: Adjust this text based on whether or not you’re providing donation matching.} To help increase your impact, we’re offering a {amount or rate} donation match for this giving opportunity. 

Your donation will help: 
{Name of the organization}: {Short description of what they do.} 
{Name of the organization}: {Short description of what they do.} 
{Name of the organization}: {Short description of what they do.} 



Volunteer opportunities

 How to use this content…

This template will help you create volunteering opportunities to support One Good Thing. The content is intended to be broadly useful for different programs, so feel free to customize it for your specific campaign.


Volunteer opportunity template:

One Good Thing: Every act of kindness counts

How can a bit of your time create a lot of joy? Time is a gift. And there are so many ways you can share that gift to change the world — one act of kindness at a time. Imagine the joy we can create for others (and within ourselves!) by volunteering our skills and talents to those who need it most.

Our company has identified volunteer opportunities with a few nonprofits. Whether you give your time to these organizations or do a good deed, like dropping off food for an elderly neighbor, your One Good Thing will make a difference. Whatever you choose to do, make sure you track your time so it counts as One Good Thing. 

Suggested volunteer opportunities: 
       · {Name of the organization}: {Short description of what they do and what volunteers can do to             support them.}
       · {Name of the organization}: {Short description of what they do and what volunteers can do to              support them.}
       · {Name of the organization}: {Short description of what they do and what volunteers can do to             support them.}


Virtual volunteer opportunity template:

 Easily help others this holiday season by volunteering virtually

It’s the time of year when many of you are looking for ways to give back so, we wanted to share this virtual volunteer event with you!  

No previous experience is required; you’ll have support from experts the entire session. 

Steps to participate: 
       · Save your seat today! Register here for the {insert name of virtual volunteer event, and name               of nonprofit it’s supporting if applicable}
       · Sign up for the virtual volunteer event here {insert link to the virtual volunteer opportunity}     
       · Spread the joy! Share this with your colleagues {or friends} and tell them why you think they                 should join you!
       · {Insert if your program has volunteer rewards}: For your participation,  you’ll earn ${x} to                       donate to your favorite nonprofit.



News articles

 How to use this content…

This template will help you create a news article to promote One Good Thing. Feel free to customize the content for your specific campaign. We suggest you link your volunteer and
giving opportunities within this communication to help drive engagement and track
volunteer participation.



Did you know: 
Benevity clients who have used our pre-written news article have seen participation in their campaigns double. 


News article template:

Watch goodness multiply with your One Good Thing  — and share your story!

Taking one small action is so much more powerful than you might realize, and sharing your impact story will inspire others. Truly! 

Whether you volunteer at an animal shelter, reduce your emissions by walking to work or take any other positive action that’s meaningful to you, we hope you’ll spread the word.

This Giving Season, create a ripple effect of good things by using the resources we’ve provided to inspire your colleagues, friends and family to do more good. 

Looking for some inspiration? Here are some good things you can do! {Use this section to promote your giving or volunteer opportunity, or both!} 

Give: Check out our giving opportunity for a list of nonprofits who could do a lot with your donations. {Add a list of nonprofits and hyperlink to giving opportunities within your
program’s platform} 

Volunteer: Check out our volunteer opportunity for a list of nonprofits who need your time. {Add a list of nonprofits and hyperlink to giving opportunities within your program’s platform} 

Share your story: Inspire others by sharing a story about your favorite nonprofit and why you give back. Access cool images for meeting backgrounds and social sharing, and ready-to-go templates to create your own volunteer or giving opportunities.  {Note: Check out the last section for downloadable assets for you to use!}

Let’s do this —One Good Thing at a time! 



Communication assets

 How to use this content…

Use one or all of the four email templates below to get your people excited to make an impact this Giving Season. Remember to include all of the details and incentives about the campaign to encourage them to participate and to do One Good Thing. These templates include a company-wide teaser, a launch email, reminder email, and an email to help your leaders tell their impact story to boost participation even more.



Did you know: 
People are 50% more likely to give if they’re asked by friends or co-workers. 


Template 1: Teaser email

Subject Line: Up for a GOOD Challenge?

Preview: Do just One Good Thing and watch the impact it creates. 

Body: Hi {insert name}, Your challenge this Giving Season, if you choose to accept it, is to do One Good Thing for someone else. It could be as simple as making a $5 donation to your favorite nonprofit, baking muffins for hospital staff or volunteering an hour of your time to your local shelter. It all matters. Your one action will be so good for the community (and for you)! And when we add up all of our individual good things, imagine the impact we’ll create at a time when a lot of people could use it.

As added incentive:
       · {Include special matching rate information, as applicable}
       · {Include expanded definition of volunteering, as applicable}     
       · {Include volunteer rewards information, as applicable}


Template 2: Launch email

Subject Line: Our One Good Thing campaign starts today!

Preview: Help us create incredible impact this Giving Season. 

Body: Taking one small action is so much more powerful than you might realize. 

That’s why {company name} just launched our One Good Thing campaign on {your CSR program name}! It’s simple: by encouraging everyone to do One Good Thing, and then inspiring each other by sharing stories, we can rally together to create a ton of impact.

Get involved now by visiting this link <link to news item> to get more details about the campaign and discover ways you can make an impact. 

Remember between {insert date range}, every donation, volunteer hour or good deed counts as One Good Thing and contributes to massive impact!

To get everyone — you, your colleagues, family and friends — even more excited to participate, we’re offering the following incentives: 

       · Include special matching rate information, as applicable
       · Include expanded definition of volunteering, as applicable    
       · Include executive peer matching opportunity, as applicable
       · Include volunteer rewards information, as applicable

Let’s do this — One Good Thing at a time!


Template 3: Reminder email

Subject Line: One Good Thing is becoming {HUNDREDS/THOUSANDS} of Good Things!

Preview: Momentum is building, so let’s keep our good things going. 

Body: Hi {insert name}, A huge thank you to everyone who’s done One Good Thing (or more) so far. You’re amazing! To keep the momentum going, we’ve got some added incentives. So, if you have one more Good Thing in you (or haven’t had the chance to do your One Good Thing yet), here’s the latest ... 

We’ve set up {insert incentive such as donation matching up to a certain amount and include what the impact could be}. Or, choose a nonprofit to support from our list of organizations {include a list of nonprofits, if applicable}. Remember, every donation you make, volunteer hour you track or good deed  you do counts as One Good Thing and contributes to massive impact!


Template 4: Leadership impact story email

Subject Line: My impact story — One Good Thing

Body: Hi team, I’m participating in {company name’s} One Good Thing campaign on {program name} and I want to share my story! 

The campaign is all about how small actions can lead to a ton of collective impact. 
I was motivated to {Add your One Good Thing and why it’s important to you or the impact you want it to make. If you supported a specific nonprofit, hyperlink the name of the nonprofit to your giving or volunteer opportunity within your goodness platform}.

I hope my story might spark some inspiration for you! I would love it if you joined the movement by {add the action you want people to take, like volunteering or donating. Hyperlink the name of the nonprofit to your giving or volunteer opportunity within your goodness platform}. 

Every donation made, volunteer hour tracked or good deed done counts as One Good Thing and contributes to massive impact! 

Thanks for reading and I hope you’ll join me in doing One Good Thing!



Social sharing template

 How to use this content…

Use the social media templates to help your people share their One Good Thing and impact story. Encourage your employees to include photos of themselves, badges, and company tags
and hashtags.


Short Template

I just participated in @{company social handle}’s One Good Thing campaign by {insert action your took}! Imagine the impact we could create if we all took action. You can here: {link to news article of campaign results or hyperlink to your giving or volunteer opportunity within your program}


Long Template

I just participated in @{company social handle}’s One Good Thing campaign!

The campaign is all about how small actions can lead to a ton of collective impact, and I participated by {add your One Good Thing and why it’s important to you or the impact you want it to make. If you supported a specific nonprofit, hyperlink its name to your giving or volunteer opportunity within your program platform}.

I hope my story might spark some inspiration for you! I would love it if you joined the movement by {add action you want people to take and hyperlink to your giving or volunteer opportunity within your program}

Here’s the link to get involved: {link to news article of campaign results or hyperlink to your giving or volunteer opportunity within your program}

Tell me in the comments how you’ve made an impact this Giving Season!




 How to use this content…

We’ve compiled a few image assets for you to download and use across internal and external communication channels to promote your One Good Thing campaign!

Download now






Making impact easy this Giving Season… and beyond.

Quality content is a key contributor to campaign success and Benevity clients get access to assets like these from directly within our platform, so it’s even easier to get campaigns off the ground. These are just a few of the many ways Benevity’s solutions help your company dramatically increase employee engagement and social impact — all in one place. 

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