Reliance's social impact program earned 83% participation

Founded in 1939, Reliance, Inc. (NYSE: RS) is a leading global diversified metal solutions provider with a family of companies in 40 states and 12 countries outside of the United States. Their social impact program Reliance Cares, initially available to the 13,700+ employees in the U.S., was created to share the company’s success with its employees and the local communities made up of families just like their own.
Industrials (Manufacturing)
13 Countries
15,000 + employees
Benevity Modules used:
Donate, Volunteer
The challenge
Reliance, Inc. needed to build a social impact program from the ground up. With only 1.3 people dedicated to support (one full-time CSR resource and a super passionate executive sponsor), 75+ brands/subsidiaries, 60+ unions, and 60% of their team being deskless — this was no easy task! The team knew they could overcome these challenges with the right platform and strategic partners that would help them understand the scope of launching a new program.
The solution
Choose the right partners
Working with Benevity’s Sales and Client Success teams, Reliance, Inc. was equipped with the case studies, best practices and data they needed to make informed decisions and support a fast-growing program. Plus, one of Benevity’s partners, Realized Worth, helped them scope out the launch and build the right internal team to keep their program running smoothly.
Take a top-down and bottom-up approach
The Reliance Cares Executive Committee encouraged leadership support for the new program across the family of companies. Employees also volunteered to champion the program locally by joining a launch team made up of administrators, sales people, a welder, company presidents and anyone who was eager to help. They attended rally sessions, hosted launch parties and were provided with training and resources like flyers, email templates and speaking points so they could help answer questions and get more people doing good.
Kick-start the goodness
To get people excited to log in and donate, Reliance, Inc. seeded each employee’s Benevity Giving Account with $25 — and gave 10 random employees $1,000 to donate! Then they really upped the incentive with a competition. Whichever subsidiary got closest to 100% redemption of their $25 rewards would get an additional $25,000 to donate to a nonprofit of their choice. Amazingly, 12 subsidiaries reached 100% and many came so close that Reliance, Inc. ultimately awarded a total of $180,000.
Make it easy — and open
Kiosks, or shared computers set up for HR purposes, were used at every location so that deskless employees could easily engage. They could also use the Benevity app, or scan a QR code, to get to their program website. All employees could donate to any nonprofit of their choice through the program, and those donations were matched by Reliance, Inc. at 100% up to $1,000 per year.
The result
Since launching with Benevity, Reliance, Inc. has exceeded all expectations! The Reliance Cares program saw:
- More than 80% participation during the six-week launch (measured by percentage of employees who donated their reward dollars). This is compared to the industry average of 20%
- Nearly $1 million donated in first six months
- More than $115,000 raised for their employee relief fund (2:1 company match)
- Significant momentum for the Reliance Cares roadmap, numerous anecdotes of connections forming among colleagues who were once strangers, and an increased feeling of pride in being part of the company