Measuring the Success of Your ERG Programs
Best practices to showcase ERG impact

As ERGs gain significance in the corporate world, it's crucial to understand their value and demonstrate their impact. According to the State of Corporate Purpose 2024, 80% of companies recognize the growing importance of ERGs, with more than half increasing their ERG budgets.*
In this conversation with the founder of the ERG Leadership Alliance, you’ll learn how to measure the success of your ERG programs and best practices for showcasing the positive impact they’re making — no matter where you are on your ERG journey.
Watch to discover:
- Key metrics for ERG success including the quantitative and qualitative data you can use to track progress.
- Techniques and technology for gathering and sharing critical data on ERG success.
- Best practices for communicating and reporting ERG achievements to internal and external audiences.
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Alyssa Dver
Founder & Chair
ERG Leadership Alliance
Judy Garvey
Operational Lead, Affinity Groups