Homecoming Travel

Travelling to Calgary?
Homecoming brings Benevity-ites from near and far together at HQ. This page is for those who'll be joining us from outside the Calgary area!
For all Homecoming travel questions please refer to the FAQ Page here.
For more information on Benevity's overall travel best practices please refer to the travel page on Confluence here.
Travel Dates
Please note the recommended travel days for those located outside of Calgary. These dates take into account the People Leader Summit that will start on Monday as well as rest time for those with a significant timezone change. Please note that the rest date is an option, not an obligation, and those who want to fly in closer to the event start dates are welcome to.
- Saturday, September 9 - Overseas People Leaders
- Sunday, September 10 - All Overseas Individual Contributors + Canada/US People Leaders
- Monday, September 11 - All Canada/US Individual Contributors

Flight Booking Process
Benevity-ites who are flying in will need to book their own flights through the following processes:
- Register for Homecoming through Bamboo before booking your flights.
- Canada and US Benevity-ites: Please book your own flights directly through Melon and select 'Homecoming 2023' in the 'Reason for Travel' dropdown. There is a Melon tile available in Okta. If you do not have one, please submit a BSD. Let @HRHKate in Slack know if you have any Melon questions.
- Overseas (International) Benevity-ites: Please book your own flight directly through Farhana at Corporate Traveller.
- For anyone that has a complicated flight path (i.e. returning to a different destination, adding on extra personal segments, etc.) please book directly through Farhana at Corporate Traveller.
- For all flight booking processes please first refer to the 'Travel' page in Confluence or if you have special circumstances to discuss please fill out this Asana form.
- Benevity will be covering the cost of all Homecoming flights. When you select 'Homecoming 2023' from the dropdown and 'Homecoming' in the team code it will automatically route to the correct expense code. More information can be found on the Homecoming expense page.
Benevity-ites who are travelling and will need accommodation in Calgary have three options:
1. Select your Hotel in Bamboo
Benevity has secured hotel blocks at two different hotels in close proximity to each other and to our HQ. We will cover accommodation costs from your recommended travel date to Friday for all travelling Benevity-ites.
Please select your room preference in Bamboo and then the People Experience team will be managing the hotel bookings through the room blocks after returning from Me4We.
Comfortable sharing a room to reduce environmental impacts and costs? As a part of our 'Sustainable Homecoming Mission', anyone who opts in to share a room or stay with a local will receive $150 seeded in MyGoodness Rewards Currency.

2. Book a group in an AirBnB
If you have a group of three or more Benevity-ites who want to stay together, you have the option of booking an AirBnB close to HQ. This is the only option that is not directly billed to Benevity, and you would pay up-front and then expense after Homecoming.
Please note that this option will follow AirBnB's policies for refunds, insurance, security, etc. so you are booking at your own personal risk.
If you do book an AirBnB, please fill out this form with all details to confirm.

3. Stay with a Local
If you have friends, family or a close teammate who you prefer to stay with in Calgary, please feel free to make these arrangements.
As a part of our 'Sustainable Homecoming Mission', anyone who opts in to stay with a local will receive $150 seeded in MyGoodness Rewards Currency. If you're staying with a Benevity-ite, they will also receive $150 in MyGoodness rewards!